Love Right Around the Corner

Welcome to Singles Near Me, a fun place to network and make long-lasting connections! Set up dates with ease and find love nearby, who know's what's in store with each new connection? Start your journey today.

A Thriving Community

Share your story to our vibrant community of singles and match with singles who are interested in the real you. Finding local, compatible singles has never been so easy.


Verified Profiles, Genuine Singles

Our customer support teams are here for you 24/7, keeping your space filled with real members with good intentions. All profiles go through our very strict verification process, so only genuine members can date here.

Find Your Soulmate

Chat, flirt, and date like-minded singles looking for love and companionship. What are you waiting for? See who's online now!

The Singles Near Me Experience

We’ve done all we can to offer pristine features designed to give you the best chances of finding the right match.

Secure Private Messaging with Members

Send and receive private messages directly.

Articles & Member Blogs

Read articles and real member stories - or get creative and add your own!

24/7 Customer Care

We're here to help whenever you need any additional assistance.

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Yes! It’s totally free to join, use the site, browse and match with members, get involved, and arrange to meet up. However, you can also upgrade to a paid VIP membership to gain full access to all premium site features, including unlimited private messaging and much more. You can upgrade or cancel online at any time.

Our VIPs have subscribed to get all the site's premium features and perks - including unlimited private messaging, access to view all photos and videos, insights on who has been viewing or liking their content, and priority placement of their profile sitewide.

Absolutely! As a private member site, we’re committed to protecting your security, privacy, and discretion. We never display the personal details used by any member, and you control everything shown on your profile. With a paid membership, your bank statement will only ever show a discreet and non-descript transaction rather than the name of the site. We will never share any of your information with 3rd parties.

No, we won’t! Our email systems are SenderScore certified. As a member, you can choose what you’d like us to notify you about (new direct messages, profile likes, etc). You’re also able to opt in or out whenever you like.

Once you join for free, you’ll discover a welcoming community of people looking to connect, chat, have fun, meet up, share stories, or simply exchange experiences of life. We’ve got a dedicated 24/7 Customer Support team, here to help ensure that your membership is always easy, fun, and safe.